The many aspects of the Académie’s international relations have already been described in details in the document With the
Académie des Sciences in 2013-2014
An advisory Role on a Global Scale
In 2015, the Académie des Sciences brought its support to the French organisations involved in international scientific cooperation:
meeting of the
Academic Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological International Relations
(CARIST), created by
the Académie in 1983 and chaired by its Delegate for International Affairs: “Mobilité internationale des doctorants et des
chercheurs: enjeux de connaissance, d’attractivité et de compétitivité” [The International Flexibility of PhD Candidates and
Researchers: Issues of Knowledge, Attractiveness and Competitiveness] (14 January 2015);
participation to the follow-up meetings of the operation
Frontiers of Science
, Franco-Taiwanese and Franco-Japanese
programmes aimed at promoting interdisciplinary dialogue between young researchers.
The Académie also contributed to the preparation of international scientific reports within the international networks of academies
of science, including EASAC (
European Academies Science Advisory Council
), IAC (
InterAcademy Council
) and IAP (
) et ALLEA (
All European Academies
meeting of the ALLEA Science and Ethics Working Group: Anne Fagot-Largeault, 10-11 March 2015, Berlin;
IAP Sustainable Energy Workshop: Edouard Brézin, 25-27 June 2015, Amsterdam;
AEMASE/ALLEA conference on secondary and high school science teaching: Odile Macchi, 12-13 October 2015, Dakar;
IAP-NASAC Seminar at UNESCO, Science-Policy Dialogue on Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience in Africa: Marie-
Lise Chanin, 9 December 2015, UNESCO, Paris (the recommendations of this seminar were presented on 10 December at
COP21, at Le Bourget);
Finally, the Académie took part in international expert meetings and contributed to the preparation of joint recommendations:
STS Forum:
STS Forum Council meetings, Bernard Meunier, 14-16 January 2015 in Washington and 24 April 2015 in
Berlin; STS Forum, Bernard Meunier and Alain-Jacques Valleron, 4-6 October 2015, Kyoto;
Inter-Academy Seoul Science Forum
dedicated to Global Cooperation in Science and Technology, lecture by Catherine
Bréchignac, 11-12 November, Seoul;
Meetings of the G7 academies (Germany, Canada, United States, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom): Bernard
Meunier, 23-24 February 2015 and 28-29 April 2015, Berlin, in the presence of Chancellor Angela Merkel. These meetings
resulted in a joint statement by the G7 Science Academies
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