Public Sessions, Civic Culture
The unprecedented technological rise the world has been experiencing since the middle of the last century complexifies society’s
relations to science: innovation seduces but inspires fear, ethical questioning is now involved in every process of scientific research.
In such a context, the Académie des Sciences invites the broad, enlightened public to conferences presented by the great figures of
science, to provide topical knowledge on major science themes bearing strong societal repercussions.
Deep Cerebral Stimulation: Where Are We Coming from, Where Are We, Where Are We Going to?
High Frequency Electrical Stimulation (HFES) has
now become an indication for the treatment of
Parkinsonian symptoms, whether severe or poorly
responding to drug therapy. But HFES has also
other indications, especially in mental disorders,
thus allowing for the field of “psychosurgery”
to be reopened. During his lecture, Académie
Member Alim-Louis Benabid unveiled the latest
results of his research on HFES, whose goal is
now not only to treat the symptoms of a disease
but also to develop neuroprotective and curative
therapies (3 March 2015
From Carbon Dioxide to
Hydrocarbons: a Salutary Reversal
The increase in CO
caused by the combustion
of oil, gas and coal is a major environmental
issue. Now it is possible - though difficult – to
convert carbon dioxide into carbon molecules,
through the formation of carbon-hydrogen and
carbon-carbon bonds that are rich in energy:
then becomes a molecule of interest,
convertible into fuel. In his lecture, Académie
Member Marc Fontecave took stock of the
issues of CO
capture and sequestration, its
current use in industry, and finally the emerging
recovery technologies (16 June 2015
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