"d'Alembert" Committee
President : Catherine BRÉCHIGNAC.
Presentation:The Comité D'Alembert is behind the creation of and contributes to a "Collaborative and Critical Digital Edition of the Encyclopedia (or Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers)" (ENCCRE) by Diderot, D'Alembert and Jaucourt (1751-1772) and accompanies the publication of the complete works of Jean Le Rond D'Alembert, including the electronic edition of the Encyclopedia.
Members : Sébastien CANDEL - Nicole CAPITAINE - Étienne GHYS - Antoine TRILLER.
External members : Alain CERNUSCHI - Hugues CHABOT - Jean-Yves CHAPRON - Olivier FERRET - Christian GILAIN - Alexandre GUILBAUD - Thierry JOFFREDO - Guillaume JOUVE - Marie LECA-TSIOMIS - Christine LE SUEUR - Irène PASSERON - Jean-Pierre SCHANDELER - Christophe SCHMIT.