Environmental Sciences Committee
President : Jean-Claude DUPLESSY - Since 2013. Seconded by Francis ALBARÈDE, since 2023, to steer the geoengineering theme.
Presentation:The Environmental Sciences Committee was created in 1989 to monitor environmental issues considered from their scientific angle. Several of its members are also members of the Comité de prospective en énergie (see above), and ensure that "environmental" aspects are taken into account in the latter. The composition of the committee is designed with variable geometry in order to call on specialists in the fields covered.
Members: Jean-Claude ANDRÉ - Édouard BARD - Lydéric BOCQUET - Anny CAZENAVE - Marie-Lise CHANIN - Isabelle CHUINE - Philippe CIAIS - Vincent COURTILLOT - Michel DELSENY - Robert GUILLAUMONT - Philippe JANVIER - Jean JOUZEL - Jacques LASKAR - Sandra LAVOREL - Jean-Dominique LEBRETON - Ludwik LEIBLER - Yvon LE MAHO - Hervé LE TREUT - Daniel MANSUY - Bernard MEUNIER - Philippe TAQUET - Alain-Jacques VALLERON - René MOREAU - Henri ROCHEFORT.
External members: Laure BAMIERE - Olivier BOUCHER - Laurent JAMMES - John LUDDEN - Anni MÄÄTTÄNEN - Jacques SCHOTT.