Our forests of tomorrow - Understanding, transmitting, acting


Two days of conferences and round tables organized by the Institut de France, the Académie des sciences and the Château de Chantilly.


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André and Liliane Bettencourt Auditorium



© Adagp, Paris, 2025 - Neviera III, 2020, Astrid de La Forest

Friday March 21 will be devoted to the impact of climate change on forests and adaptation strategies. An educational component will enrich this day of meetings: high school and university students will be able to take advantage of a dedicated time to discuss with some of the speakers around themes included in school programs. - The theme of the morning session on Saturday March 22 is "The forest of the Château de Chantilly: an open-air participatory laboratory". The afternoon program, entitled "Regards croisés : forêts en scène", will illustrate the rich links that unite - and have in the past united - our societies with forests.


Forests embody both the permanence and fragility of living things. As much a cultural heritage as a natural one, forests contribute in many ways to human well-being (wood production, air and water purification, soil maintenance, habitat for biodiversity, food, health...) and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. In particular, their role as carbon sinks and storages is considered a major element of the French National Low-Carbon Strategy (SNBC). France's forests, which cover 31% of the country's land area, are at the heart of the major challenges of our time: in recent years, ongoing climate change has put forest resources at risk. The stakes are high, and orchestrating the measures to be taken is proving extremely tricky, given the diversity of society's expectations. This situation calls for collective reflection and interdisciplinary mobilization. It is against this backdrop that on March 21 and 22, the Institut de France, the Académie des Sciences and the Château de Chantilly are jointly organizing an interdisciplinary event entitled "Our forests tomorrow: understand, transmit, act", in partnership with The Conversation media and the PEPR FORESTT research program.


--> Read The Conversation's article on the subject