Rogissart scholarships: support for deserving students

Awarded by the French Academy of Sciences since 1991, the Rogissart scholarships are intended to reward high school students with outstanding academic achievements, born or having a parent born in the Ardennes department, where Jean Rogissart, their founder, originated.


The Rectorat de l'académie de Reims is helping to select the winners, so all high schools in the Ardennes department are likely to put forward one or more candidates, who must have the following profile: 
- meet the geographical criterion set out by the founder; 
- have been selected by a jury set up at rectoral level, onacademic criteria (classes 1e and terminale) and on social criteria
- havean outstanding academic record and obtained the baccalauréat - general (S series), vocational (technical and industrial streams) or technological (STi, STL or ST2S series) with honors ; 
- have a higher education project in the scientific field - general, technical or industrial - of such a nature as to justify the award of a scholarship (the benefit of a higher education scholarship is perfectly compatible with the award of a Rogissart scholarship).

This is the amount of each scholarship, paid in six instalments over two successive academic years.

At the end of his or her 1st year of higher education, the scholarship holder provides the Académie with proof of his or her work and course attendance, which is a prerequisite for continued scholarship payments until the end of the scholarship period. At the end of the payment period, the scholar is asked to submit a progress report.