With the Académie des Sciences in
2013 - 2014
© JackF - Fotolia
© Brigida Soriano - Fotolia
Colloquia on science education
Philosophy Teaching and Sciences: New Prospects
The Académie des Sciences has also pursued its investigation
into the means that may make science more prominent in the
students’ minds during the final year of A levels - and not only
for students of the scientific sections. One fruitful avenue is
to boost philosophy courses on this topic and promote closer
ties between secondary school philosophy teachers and their
scientific colleagues. Following a first colloquium in 2012, the
Standing Committee for the Science History and Epistemology
and the Standing Committee for Science Education and Training
of the Académie, in close cooperation with the Académie des
Sciences Morales et Politiques and the Inspection Générale
de l’Éducation Nationale [General Inspectorate of the French
Ministry of National Education], have held in 2013 a new
colloquium on Philosophy Teaching and Sciences, which has
focused in particular on computer science and economic and
social sciences
(13 November 2013).
The professional development of science teachers
Professional development enables teachers to question their
own skills and professional backgrounds and prospects.
Organized by the Académie des sciences and the Foundation
La main à la pâte - Pour l’Éducation à la science
, this
colloquium convened stakeholders from the areas of business,
research and higher education: their analysis was specially
underpinned by the change brought by the creation of the
Houses for Science to the Benefit of Teachers
, which
provide teachers with professional development offers in
science, with a strong emphasis on living and contemporary
science. A white paper, as a preparatory document to the
colloquium, had been written beforehand to prepare the
discussions and feed the debates (22-23 May 2013).