encOURAGinG the ScientiFic cOmmUnitY
Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des sciences
Created in 1835 by the French physicist Arago, who was then the Secrétaire perpétuel of the Académie, the
Comptes Rendus de
l’Académie des sciences
is a review in French and English that enables researchers to make their research promptly known to the
wide international scientific community.
This set of seven publications spans the whole field of scientific research, as its titles make it obvious:
Mathematique, Mecanique,
Chimie, Biologies, Geoscience, Physique
. Each series is driven by its editor-in-chief with the assistance of its editorial
board. The articles submitted are evaluated by two scientists of recognized expertise in the field. These may be notes, announcing
significant, new results, or summaries that provide clarification, or conference proceedings, or other publications such as thematic
issues, under the direction of guest editors-in-chief from France or abroad.
Altogether, close to 730 articles have been published in the 2013 and 2014
Comptes Rendus
and 28 thematic issues have come out
(15 from the
series, 6 from
, 5 from
, 2 from
and 2 from
Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des sciences
are available for hard copy or online subscriptions for individuals (EM Consulte)
or groups (ScienceDirect), abstracts being published for open access on these two websites. Besides, the
Bibliothèque Nationale
de France
is completing the digitisation of the older issues of the
Comptes Rendus
, with the 1835-1995 years already open to free
access on its website