encOURAGinG the ScientiFic cOmmUnitY
lamonica Prize
Awarded since 2009, the two Académie des Sciences - Fondation pour la Recherche Biomédicale-PCL Lamonica Prizes in neurology
(€100,000) and cardiology (€60,000) are intended for a French or foreign scientist working in a French laboratory. Part of the funding
is to be used by the laureate, the rest of it enabling him/her to fund his/her research.
neurology Laureates
2013: Jean-Antoine Girault, a re-
search director at INSERM, direc-
tor of the Institut du Fer à Moulin,
2014: Christophe Mulle, a research
director at CNRS (National Center for
Scientific Research), Physiology of
Glutamatergic Synapses team lea-
der, University of Bordeaux
cardiology Laureates
2013: Xavier Jouven, a university
professor and hospital practitioner
in cardiology (Georges Pompidou
European Hospital, Paris), and a
professor in epidemiology and
public health
2014: Jacques Barhanin, a research
director at CNRS, director of the La-
boratory of Molecular PhysioMedi-
cine at the Faculty of Medicine, Nice
institut de France awards
In the field of science, the great annual awards of the Institut de France - del Duca, Louis D, Lefoulon-Delalande, NRJ, Allianz/Institut
de France, Victor Noury, Danièle Hermann prizes - are granted by decision or at the proposal of the Académie des Sciences.
The most important ones are the scientific eminent awards of the Louis D. Foundation (€750,000) and the Simone and Cino del
Duca Foundation (€300,000). In both cases, part of the grant is for the scientific team leader, while the other is intended to fund the
research team’s work, including the recruitment of French or foreign post-doctoral researchers.
Fondation Louis D. Laureates
2013: Thibault Cantat, CEA
(French Alternative Energies
and Atomic Energy Commis-
sion), CNRS, for his work on
the theme of CO2 Valorization:
Chemical and Biotechnologi-
cal Approaches
2014: François Bouchet, Astrophy-
sics Institute of Paris, for his work on
Cosmology and its Links to Physics:
Beyond the Standard Model
Scientific Awards of Simone and cino del Duca Laureates
2013: Michel Campillo, Joseph-
Fourier University, Earth Science
Institute, Grenoble, for his work
on the theme of Chemistry and
Physics in the Earth Dynamics
2014: Stanislav Dusko
Ehrlich and Joël Doré,
INRA (National Insti-
tute for Agricultural
Research, for their
work on the theme
of Microbiome and
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Didier Plowy
© Didier Plowy
© Didier Plowy
© Didier Plowy