With the Académie des Sciences in
2013 - 2014
Grande Médaille
of the Académie des Sciences
Created in 1997, the Grande Médaille singles out every year a scientist in the international landscape for making a decisive contribution
to the development of science, as testified both by the originality of his/her personal research projects and by its international standing
and stimulating influence, so seminal indeed as to gain proper following from researchers.
2013 laureate
Joan A. Steitz, a member of the
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
and professor in biochemistry
and molecular biophysics at
Yale University (United States of
2014 laureate
Joel L. Lebowitz, a professor in
mathematics and physics at Rutgers
University (United States of America)
Fondation Générale de Santé
Prize for Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine
The Fondation Générale de Santé and the Académie des Sciences have been awarding since 2012 a prize to reward scientific
excellence in the field of tissue regeneration. Amounting to a sum of €100,000 (one part for the laureates, the rest for the work of
their teams), the prize rewards:
• basic research, in order to encourage the growth of scientific knowledge;
• translational and clinical research, in order to encourage the fast transfer of knowledge into applications for diagnosis and
Through these two categories of prizes, the Fondation Générale de Santé and the Académie des Sciences support each and every
step of biomedical innovation from the investigations undertaken to deepen scientific knowledge, to the clinical applications developed
for the patients’ benefits.
Fundamental Research Laureates
2013: Patrick Collombat, a
research director at INSERM
(French Institute of Health and
Medical Research), Diabetes
Genetics Team, Nice
2014: Shahragim Tajbakhsh, the
director of the Developmental &
Stem Cell Biology Department,
Institut Pasteur, Paris
Clinical and Translational Research Laureates
2013 : Daniel Aberdam, directeur
de recherche à l’Inserm, unité
Immunologie, dermatologie, onco-
, hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris ;
2014 : Jérôme Larghero, professeur
des universités et praticien hospita-
lier, directeur du département
thérapies cellulaires et tissulaires
hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris.
In June 2014, this prize received the high patronage of the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education
and Research.
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann