encOURAGinG the ScientiFic cOmmUnitY
new awards in 2013 and 2014
INRIA - Académie des Sciences Prizes
Since 2013, INRIA (French National Institute for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics) and the Académie des
Sciences jointly single out the laureates of the three following INRIA-Académie des Sciences scientific awards: the Great
Prize, Young Researcher Prize (under 40 years old) and Innovation Prize (in partnership with Dassault Systèmes). Such a
partnership gives a new impetus to the set of Inria Prizes, as it highlights their primary purpose: promote the contributions
and success of the men and women who, within a French institution but regardless of their nationality or affiliation, drive
computer science and mathematics forward, thus participating to the development of the digital world.
INRIA - Académie des Sciences Great Prize
Laureates (
25,000): for their outstanding contribution to the field
of computer science and mathematics
2013: Jean-Michel Morel, a
professor at the Centre for
Mathematics and their Applications
of the École Normale Supérieure-
2014: Nicholas Ayache, a research
director at INRIA, Asclepios team &
project leader, Nice
INRIA - Académie des Sciences - Dassault Systèmes Innovation Prize
Laureates (
20,000): for their specific
initiative in transfer and innovation in the field of computer science and mathematics
2013: Pascale Vicat-Blanc, a
research director at INRIA, CEO of
Lyatiss SJSC (France) and Lyatiss
Inc. (USA)
2014: Patrick Valduriez, a research
director at INRIA, Zénith team &
project scientific leader, Montpellier
INRIA - Académie des sciences Young Researcher Prize
Laureates (
20,000): for their outstanding contribution,
in terms of research, transfer or innovation, to the field of computer science and mathematics
2013: Anatole Lécuyer, a research
director at INRIA, Hybrid team leader,
Rennes Bretagne-Atlantique
2014: Paola Goatin, a research
director at INRIA, Opale team &
project, Nice
Philippe and Maria Halphen Prize
Amounting to
15,000, this prize, created in 2014, rewards research projects conducted on the physiopathology
of psychiatric diseases. the goals of the Philippe and maria halphen Foundation are innovation and the progress of
knowledge and scientific research in the field of mental illness, fostering partnerships among researchers, clinicians and
affected persons.
2014 Laureate: marie-Odile Krebs, a university professor
and hospital practitioner in psychiatry, and a research
director at the neurosciences School Paris Île-de-France
Georges-Morel Prize
The Georges-Morel Prize, awarded for the first time in 2014, rewards the author of research project conducted in a
French laboratory, for his/her outstanding work in plant biology.
2014 Laureate: Abdelhafid Bendahmane, a reasearch
director at inRA, Plant genomics research unit, evry
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann