With the Académie des Sciences in
2013 - 2014
Irène Joliot-Curie Prizes
Created in 2001 by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and organized in coordination with the EADS corporate
Foundation since 2004
, this award is designed to promote women’s position in research and technology in France. On the occasion of
its tenth anniversary, its scientific relevance has been highlighted by its partnership with the Académie des Sciences and the Académie
des Technologies, in charge of empanelling the members of the jury who designate the laureates. The Joliot-Curie Prize comprises three
categories: Female Scientist of the Year (€40,000), Young Female Scientist (€15,000) and Women in Enterprise (€15,000).
Female Scientist of the Year
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
© Brigitte Eymann
2013: Wiebke Drenckhan,
a researcher at the CNRS
Laboratory of Solid State
Physics in Orsay, and
Claire Wyart, the leader of
the Optogenetic dissection
of spinal circuits under-
lying locomotion team,
Brain & Spine Institute
(Institut du Cerveau et de
la Moelle Épinière), Paris
2013: Valérie Masson-Delmotte, a
research director at CEA, Labora-
tory for Climate and Environment
Sciences, Saclay.
Young Female Scientist
2014: Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou,
who leads the research conduc-
ted on molecular catalysis at the
French Institute of Petroleum (IFP
Énergies Nouvelles), Lyon
2014: Virginie Orgogozo,
a CNRS research asso-
ciate and the leader of
the Drosophila Evolu-
tion group at the Institut
Jacques-Monod, Paris
Women in Enterprise
2013: Véronique Newland, the general
manager of the New Vision Technolo-
gies company
2014: Séverine Sigrist, a resear-
cher at the European Center for
the Study of Diabetes, Stras-
bourg, and president-founder of