With the Académie des Sciences in
2013 - 2014
Are Mathematics Useful to Explore the Human Brain?
The developments of physics and biology allow the anatomy and functioning
of the brain to be better understood, thus enabling scientists to model and
emulate them on ever more efficient computer systems. But what about the role
of mathematics? Drawing on some examples from the field of brain imaging,
the member of the Académie des Sciences Olivier Faugeras showed that data
interpretation strongly depends on mathematical tools that use geometry, and
that techniques developed in probability theory make it possible to explain
certain organisational aspects underpinning the activities of great populations
of neurons (28 May 2013).
© 2013 Andrew Ostrovsky
Académie des Sciences Days in Brittany
Since 1996, on a biennial basis, the Académie holds one of its Tuesday
Sessions outside Paris in order to communicate its work and strengthen
its relationships with the local scientific community. In 2014, it was in the
on 12 May at the marine biology station of Roscoff for a plenary session
focused on biology and marine ecology;
on 13 May at the Espace des Sciences (the Cultural, Scientific, Technical
and Industrial Centre) of Rennes, for a public session to which the 6
laureates of the Young Researcher Brittany Awards had been invited to
introduce their work;
on 14 May at Lycée Descartes in Rennes, for a conference focused on
teaching and training.
© Adenise Lopes
The Primordial Universe and Planck’s results
The space mission Planck has observed the microwave radiations that give, with unrivalled precision, an image of the universe at a
very young age. These observations became public at the end of March 2013. They allow researchers to test the hypotheses that
concern the origins of the expansion and of matter. The member of the Académie des Sciences Jean-Loup Puget especially reviewed
the validity of a simple paradigm which provides answers to the difficult questions arising from the classical Big Bang model. This
paradigm develops into multiple models, all sharing the idea that a phase of inflation was at the origin of the expansion and quantum
fluctuations that gave birth to all the structures now visible (28 May 2013).
The Académie at the
Espace des Sciences
of Rennes