With the Académie des Sciences in
2013 - 2014
100 Youngsters at the Académie des Sciences
The Académie des Sciences held on 11 October 2014 at the Institut de France the second
edition of Speed Sciences, an event aimed at youngsters aged 16 to 20. 100 youngsters from
all over France have been selected for their answers to a set of questions on the website of
the Académie des Sciences. They have been chosen for the high quality of their answers,
the relevance of their reflection and their interest for science. Conceived by the Académie
des Sciences, this operation fulfils two main objectives and one ambition: to improve the
readability of science despite its often high complexity, and, by explaining the scientific
method, inspire vocations for later in life.
At the morning conference debates, hosted in the Great Hall of Sessions,
youngsters may form an ever more accessible notion of the various
scientific fields. In 2014, three members of the Académie lend themselves
to the exercise: Yves Agid shared his very last neurology research studies on
abnormal involuntary emotions; Étienne Ghys tackled the task to demonstrate
that the ball of the Football World Cup was in fact...a cube; and Bernard
Roques reviewed the work of pharmacologists to relieve pain.
As for the afternoon face-to-face discussions, they provide researchers with unique opportunities to remind and insist that an
appropriate understanding of the scientific method is a prerequisite to developing a critical mind, which is useful to all aspects of
the citizens’ lives. During these speed meetings, each youngster had the chance to meet about ten scientists: each time a new
opportunity for them to ask direct questions
On the end of the day, both youngsters and scientists answered a satisfaction questionnaire, and success was indeed there. The
members of the Académie, in their great majority, are willing to be involved again in this original operation, whose next session shall
take place in 2016. They have expressed enthusiasm about their meetings with youngsters - meetings which, in 20% of cases, have
led to email exchanges. Thus, the idea emerged to pursue such exchanges during the rest of the academic year, especially with cycles
of conference debates in the young participants’ high schools.
© Adenise Lopes
© Adenise Lopes
© Adenise Lopes
When youngsters appraise science and their actors...
In preparation for the 2014
Speed Sciences
, the Académie des Sciences ordered the “Youngsters and Science”
survey to the CSA market research agency and consultancy.
A majority of the youngsters expresses interest for science (76%) and considers it useful to society, in the service of
everyday life and important for everyone’s future (92%), yet 23% of them still feel some indifference to it, or even fear
against it. Similarly, although a majority of them (65%) find interesting their science courses, only 33% contemplate
scientific careers. Yet researchers win praises: 95% of the surveyed youngsters have a positive image of them and
63% find researchers “open” to the world outside. Certain clichés persist, though: 85% of the youngsters agree with
the idea that scientists sometimes play sorcerers’ apprentices!
This survey, filled with information, thus concludes on the youngster’s hesitant relation to science but confirms that
scientists themselves are relied upon. This good opinion probably explains why
Speed Science
raises such an interest,
and spurs the Académie des Sciences on to intensify its openness policy towards the non-scientific public.