With the AcADémie DeS ScienceS in
2013 - 2014
when the académie gives the floor to its new members
Concepts and Applications of Functional Ecology
Functional ecology focuses on the physiological, morphological, reproductive or behavioural characteristics
of the species, commonly named “functional traits”. Sandra Lavorel has highlighted how much functional
ecology was useful to take on the great global environmental challenges, understand and predict how
climate change and change in land use may impact biodiversity and ecosystems (21 January 2014).
Using Theoretical Chemistry to Better Understand Chemical Reaction?
chemical reactions may be described through the analysis of the properties of electrons and
atomic nuclei. Such a perspective, however, implies to simplify beforehand the systems under
study, which in turn requires preserving the key chemical groups controlling the investigated
properties. Odile eisenstein gave a lecture on the identification of these famous key factors within
her field of research, viz. the catalysis of organometals, and showed that it is based on close
cooperation between theoreticians and experimenters (11 march 2014).
The importance of disordered systems
Although sometimes perceived as a nuisance one must get rid of, disorder is in fact the source of
remarkable physical phenomena. thierry Giamarchi indeed showed that the fundamental modifications
induced by disorder on such systems as the magnetic walls of computer hard drives, or bosons cooled
down at temperatures close to absolute zero, give rise to new, “glassy” physics, which represents one of
the very beautiful challenges of today’s physics (11 march 2014).
Optimal Transportation and Curvature : When Monge, Riemann and Boltzmann Meet
the theory of optimal transportation, non euclidean geometry and static physics have
met about 15 years ago, with the discovery that Ricci curvature may be studied
quantitatively via entropy and monge-Kantorovich transportation. cedric Villani
showed how fruitful such an unexpected encounter has been, boosting each of the
involved branches towards progress (6 may 2014).
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the evolutionary story of the coelacanth:
an overview vs. clichés
Long considered a mere fossil, the coelacanth is very much alive as a matter of fact, as evidenced by the specimen hauled up
from the depths 75 years ago offshore the coast of South Africa. The actual coelacanth,
Latimeria chalumnae
, does not have any
fossil representative and is the unique outcome of an evolutionary story that lasted more than 400 million years. Gaël Clément, a
palaeontologist and professor at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, reviewed the results of study focused on this great fish
from the depths, which is a unique source of information on the “terrestrialization” of vertebrates (11 March 2014).