Playing an advisory role on a Global scale
within the interacademic networks
The national academies of sciences embody scientific excellence and
in this respect have the mission to carry out expertise and promote
sciences among the political leaders of their countries.The interacademic
network that have formed throughout the world act in the same spirit,
on a wider scale, though: such is the case with IAP (the InterAcademy
Panel, created in 1993, which now is the InterAcademy Partnership
on a global scale and, for Europe, with EASAC (the European Academies’
Science Advisory Council, created in 2001) and ALLEA (All European
, created in 1994).
a national role to improve international cooperation
Drawing on its experience in science diplomacy, the Académie des Sciences has created and chairs two committees of national scope
involved in the promotion of scientific interactions at the global level:
French Committee for International Scientific Unions
(cOFUSi), chaired by Académie member Françoise combes and created by
the Académie in 1967: it is in charge of coordinating the French national committees (cnF), which are the correspondents of the
international scientific unions that take part in the international council for Science (icsu). cOFUSi assesses and reports on the work of
the cnF to the French ministry of higher education and Research. moreover, it manages the funding granted by the ministry for taking
part in icSU and other various international unions. Lastly, cOFUSi spurs the different cnF on to hold joint interdisciplinary meetings
and supports their rapprochement with the learned societies;
Academic Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological International Relations
(cARiSt), chaired by Académie member
Daniel Ricquier and created by the Académie in 1983: its objective is to bring together the reflections of the different stakeholders
of French research - ministries, research organisms, associations and companies. this committee enables its participants to keep
informed and share their views on the actions they put in place, or contemplate on putting in place, at the international level: the
Académie des Sciences provides, not only a neutral ground making communication easier, but also the expertise of its members -
scientists enjoying worldwide credit for the excellence of their work. in 213-2014, cARiSt has focused on two themes for reflection:
International Strategy, positioning and dissemination of French Research (2013) and Scientific and Technological Watch, Innovation
and Competition
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InterAcademy Partnership
gathers 107 national academies of science
and regional networks - fromAfrica, the Americas, Asia and Europe (EASAC)
- of academies of science. Its goal is to further cooperation among its
members to improve citizen information and advise the political decision-
makers on the scientific aspects of critical global issues. In this framework,
one of its missions is to promote the creation of academies of science in
the countries that do not have one and to foster the young academies into
maintaining their expert role with the decision-makers of their State.