awards as supports for scientific diplomacy
Franco-Chinese Great Prize of the Académie des sciences
Amounting to
15,000, this new prize has been created on the occasion of the 50
anniversary of the resumption of Franco-chinese
diplomatic relations, at the instigation of General de Gaulle in 1964. it has been awarded to its first laureate under the cupola of the institut
de France on 14 April 2014.
2014 Laureate: Rixiang Zhu, the director of the institute of Geology and Geophysics of Beijing and a member of
the chinese Academy of Sciences, in recognition for his outstanding scientific contributions, his success in creating
experimental laboratories, his capacity to put in place wide international programmes, his strong initiatives towards
cooperation, both for research and student training, with French laboratories and researchers, in the field of geosciences.
French-American Richard Lounsbery Prize
created in 1978 by Vera Lounsbery in memory of her husband, this prize is placed under the patronage of both the Académie des Sciences
and the American national Academy of Sciences. Designed to reward the distinctive achievements of French and American researchers
in biology and medicine, this Prize is alternately bestowed to a French and an American researcher. it is endowed with $50,000, and
$20,000 would add to this amount to cover the laureate’s potential stay in a laboratory of the other country.
2013 Laureate: Karl Deisseroth, an associate professor in bioengineering and in psychiatry and behavioural sciences at Stanford, for
his work on the study of the central nervous system through optogenetics;
2014 Laureate: Frédéric Saudou, inSeRm Research Director at the institut curie, for his major contribution to the
understanding of the role of the huntingtin mutated protein in the outbreak of huntington’s neurodegenerative disease.
Franco-Taiwanese Prize
created by the Franco-taiwanese Science Foundation founded by the Académie des Sciences and the national Science council of taiwan
in 2003, this €38,200 Prize is awarded every year to French or taiwanese researchers for their contribution to scientific research projects
of interest to both sides and favouring exchanges between them.
2013 Laureates: hsien-Kuei hwang (institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, taipei), Olivier
Bodini (a professor at Paris-Sud University) and cyril Banderier (left in photo), a cnRS research associate
at the computer Science Laboratory of the Paris-nord University, for their exemplary cooperation (in
their research work, schedule of joint advanced courses, young researcher exchanges, etc.) in the field
of computer sciences;
2014 Laureates: Jean-claude Sibuet, a professor at the national taiwan Ocean University (Keelung city,
taiwan) and his former doctoral student Shu-Kun hsu, now a professor at the national central University
(taoyuan city, taiwan), who have worked in close cooperation during the last 20 years on the theme of
taiwan’s tectonics and the geodynamics of the surrounding seas.
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann
© Brigitte eymann