With the Académie des Sciences in
2013 - 2014
From 15 to 17 October 2014, a joint scientific meeting between the Académie des Sciences and the VietNam Academy of Science
and Technology, which are partners since 2013 by a cooperation agreement, was held in Hanoi around
The Chemistry of Natural
Within the framework of their cooperation agreements, the Académie des Sciences and Indian National Sciences Academy organize
the Etienne-Wolff-Ramanujan Lectures: on 18 June, Marthanda Sankaran Valiathan gave a lecture at the Académie on Ayurveda and
Modern Science. On 21 April 2014, Nicole Le Douarin, the Secrétaire perpétuel honoraire of the Académie, came to New Delhi to
lecture at a conference entitled
The neural Crest, a Source of Stem Cells and its Role in the Development and Evolution of Vertebrates
In Latin America
For historical reasons related to migration flows, Francophone
culture is particularly present in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay -
since 2012, this country has been a member of the International
Organisation of La Francophonie (Organisation Internationale de la
Francophonie). The special proximity between France and Uruguay
is at the core of the scientific cooperation agreement that the
Academies of science of the two countries have settled on in 2014.
In December 2014, Jean-François Bach and Catherine Bréchignac,
the Secrétaires perpétuels of the Académie des Sciences, have taken
part to the French-Uruguayan
Sciences, Technologies, Education for
a Sustainable Development
seminar that took place in Montevideo
on the occasion of the Week of the Committee of the Institut Pasteur
of Montevideo.
In December 2014, the French and Argentinian academies of science, which signed their first cooperation agreement in 2004,
gathered in Buenos Aires and settled on a new agreement before a colloquium on immunology was held, to which a delegation of
members of the Académie took part, led by Jean-François Bach.
In Africa
The Algerian government wished to endow its country with an academy of
sciences and technologies whose statutes would meet the international
standards. The Académie des Sciences advised the government in this view
and was particularly involved in the empanelment of an international jury to
process the applications for the future academy. This selection process of a
first wave of academicians, started in 2014, will secure the independence of
the Algerian academy and thus ensure its worldwide reputation.
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