experts committees: to reflect and propose
Thanks to its members, top-level scientists representing all disciplines and fields of research, the Académie des Sciences may
look into any modern issue in which science plays a part. Standing or Ad-Hoc Thematic Committees, indeed, allow members of the
Académie to analyse and review the most recent data and formulate recommendations for action.
Standing Committees most notably constitute the cornerstone of the Académie’s advisory mission. Out of presentations &
debates prepared by members of the Académie, and to which external experts are invited when useful, Reports, Advice Notes or
Recommendations are drafted, proposed to decision makers and made available for consultation to all citizens browsing the website
of the Académie des Sciences.
The missions of such Committees of the Académie des Sciences have been detailed in
One Year with the Académie des Sciences -2012
environmental sciences
The organization of the
Comité des Sciences de l’Environnement [Standing Committee
for Environmental Sciences]
has been revamped in 2013: its three-tier structure (Water-
Food, Climate, Population-Health) has been abandoned in favour of a plenary organization,
around keywords referring to diversified and more precise transversal themes.
Comité des Sciences de l’Environnement
has prepared the public session that the
Académie held on the observation of the climate on 16 December 2014 in the prospect of
the 2015 Paris Conference.
Moreover, the
Comité des Sciences de l’Environnement,
which is behind many reports of
the Académie, has reflected on the work achieved in the last two decades and its accuracy
through time. It has thus undertaken a short study on ozone, in order to update the 1993
and 1998 reports (respectively
Ozone troposphérique
[Tropospheric Ozone] and
[Stratospheric Ozone]), whose scientific contents remain solid but which
need an update with the most recent data. Similarly, the
sheet of the Livret de
l’environnement [Booklet on the Environment], as all information sheets of this document
intended for teachers, has been revised.
It has also been decided to adopt a renewed and standing reflection on biodiversity, in line with the 1995 report and the recent
position of the Académie on the operating procedures of IPBES, the International Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- recommending that the governance of such organisms be entrusted to scientists of international reputation. The study shall focus
on the adaptation mechanisms of biodiversity to climate change, and on the limits of these mechanisms. The written document shall
include explanatory sheets, each written by an expert in the relevant theme, and now follow an ecosystemic, rather than species-
oriented, approach.
space research
Comité de la recherche spatiale (Standing Committee for Space Research)
has joined up with the
Comité des sciences de
to address a recommendation to the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (French National Centre for Space Studies),
in preparation of its
Séminaire quadriennal de prospective scientifique spatiale
[Quadrennial Seminar of Prospective Studies on Space
(March 2014). Following a synthetic review of the most pressing problems to solve in the various scientific fields that are
linked to space - meteorology, climate, oceanography, Earth observation, stratosphere, etc. - this recommendation is based on the
observation that allocated resources decrease and, in this context, outlines five proposals on instrumental R&D, micro- and nano-
systems for the flotillas, the future of the sectors that give space research its structure, data-modelling coupling, and international
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