With the Académie des Sciences in
2013 - 2014
In this framework, the Comité Science et Biosécurité is reflecting on the dialogue that should be set up between
national and international scientific communities and public authorities on biosafety, and on how to raise the
awareness of researchers in life sciences and stakeholders in charge of public health to all of these risks.
Controlling some laboratories believed sensitive, while preserving the freedom of research, should considered.
The Comité Science et Biosécurité is also considering how the experts’ role may be better acknowledged
as they contribute to decisions of a collective nature, and how best practices against potential emergency
situations may be best defined.
Moreover, the Comité Science et Biosécurité shall list and hear all the existing structures in the field of biosafety in France and
may pay particular attention to specific research contract projects. It shall take the initiative to consider any topical issue requiring
scientific advice or recommendations and, lastly, shall take stock of the threats facing the French territory.
Science, ethics and society
Comité Science, Ethique et Société (Standing Committee for Science, Ethics and Society)
has continued operating in 2013 and
2014, addressing issues of deontology within the Académie and general issues of ethics.
Following the formulation of rules for the presentation of the Prizes of the
Académie, which were adopted in January 2012, the Committee focused
on the issue of member election, in the perspective of the 2013 and 2014
sessions of elections. The issue of gender parity has been extensively
debated, and so has been the major concern to avoid conflicts of interest.
These rules have been officially presented to the assembly of the Electoral
Commission of 10 June 2014. They revolve around the four major steps
of the election procedures: detecting candidates, filling an application
file, submitting the file before the Commission, and discussing the file
within the Commission.
Moreover, the
Comité Science, Ethique et Société
has started a long-haul
exploration on research funding, once again with a focus on the issue of
conflict of interest, but also aiming at answering any blames for lacking
objectivity, which are often expressed against the scientists who agree
on partnerships with the industry. In order to do so, the Comité has asked several members of the Académie enjoying, at the time or
before then, such kind of relations to cover wide fields of activities and experiences. The minutes of these debates are available for
all members of the Académie to consult.
Comité Science, Ethique et Société
, through its President, Académie Member Anne Fagot-Largeault, has also taken an active part
in the work of the ALLEA
(All European Academies)
Permanent Working Group on Science and Ethics, notably revising the
on Ethics Education in Science and Research.
This document was followed by a brochure published by ALLEA,
Ethics Education in
, which has been sent to 300 doctoral schools from French universities, at a time when they are expected to teach young
researchers the great principles of research ethics.
Finally, the
Comité Science, Ethique et Société
has taken part in the reflection engaged by the Académie on science publishing,
regarding the current evolution of the publishing world (see the report of the Académie des Sciences
The challenges Facing Scientific
Comité Science, éthique et société
is now considering different themes with an ethical dimension to them, and in particular:
ethics in expertise, ethics with regard to the third world, ethics education at high school level, the role played by foundations in the
functioning of research, the scientific quality of reviews and the issue of open access, science and obscurantism.
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