more occasionally
A pre-G7 interacademic reflection
Every year, the academies of science of the G7 countries write joint statement focused on topical scientific themes. Such statements
are sent to the governments before the summit takes place, in order to direct their attention to these issues the members of the
Académie deem most crucial.
In 2013, the presidents and several members of the 14 academies of science have gathered in New Delhi (India) to draft their joint
statements on the role of science, technology and innovation in the implementation of sustainable development policies, and on
infectious disease drug resistance, which is a threat to humanity. At the end of the New Delhi meeting, the drafts have been submitted
to a vote, with the same wording for all the participant academies, and sent in May 2013 to the political leaders
In 2014, the dramatic events that took place in Ukraine shook up the organization of the summit, which eventually took place in
Brussels instead of Sochi. No preparatory interacademic meeting to this summit had been organized.
The STS Forum
Science and Technology in Society
(STS) Forum is a network of personalities from the scientific, political and economic world.
Every year, STS gathers its members in Kyoto, around invited speakers and a most dense programme focused on the great scientific
and technological issues of the goals for the planet. Members of the Académie meet there every year, as did Philippe Taquet, who
was the President of the Académie in 2012-2014, on 7 and 8 October 2013, and François Gros, the Secrétaire perpétuel honoraire
of the Académie,
Intuitu Personae
Member of the STS Forum, and Alain-Jacques Valleron, the Delegate for Scientific Information and
Communications, from 5 to 7 October 2014.
Promoting science diplomacy
The individual journeys of scientists have historically been the traditional way to engage in and bolster scientific cooperation among States.
The Académie des Sciences, which has a longstanding commitment to supporting these exchanges, now carries up its actions within the
frameworks of cooperation agreements or letters of intent signed with foreign national academies, alongside other collaboration initiatives
such as: jointly organizing colloquia, hosting lecturers or visiting delegations. In 2014, the Académie des Sciences is enjoying bilateral
relations with more than fifty academies, under as many agreements or letters of intent - the first of them, with the Academies of Poland and
Sweden, dating back to 1983, and the last one, with the National Academy of Sciences of Uruguay, being concluded in December 2014.
In parallel, the Académie maintains the relations of friendship that have been highly influential in the construction of an international scientific
community, by taking part in the presentation of great international awards.
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