With the Académie des Sciences in
2013 - 2014
The Académie: Always in tune with its time
Soon 350 years old
On 22 December 1666, Colbert introduces about fifteen savants to King Louis XIV, who
bestows upon them the task of
driving and fostering science for the public good and
. In return, he grants them his protection and funds their work.
Today, despite the trials and tribulations brought about over the centuries by the
instability of power relations, the Académie remains the enlightening institution it was
at the end of the 17
Century. Still protected by the highest magistrate of the country,
it has however won independence: it administers itself independently, under the sole
control of the
Cour des comptes
(French Court of Audit).
Adapting to the evolution of science
Faced with an unprecedented boom in science and the birth of new disciplines, the Académie has revamped itself. In the early 2000s,
it has adopted new statutes that, in particular, have seen its membership increased – on 1 June 2015, the Académie is composed
of 264 members, 126 foreign associates and 93 correspondents – and rejuvinated: at each session of elections, at least 50% of the
new members – junior members – are less than 55 years old on 1 January of the year of their election, and therefore engaged in
professional activities. In doing so, the Académie covers as widely as possible the whole range of scientific disciplines, including the
most emerging ones.
© Photo R.M.N. - Gérard BLOT
From Louis XIV onwards
1666 - Birth of the
Académie des Sciences de Paris
, at the initative of Colbert
1699 - Birth of the
Académie Royale des Sciences
, with Statutes established by the king
1793 - Termination of the three Académies:
(founded in 1635),
Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
(1663) and Sciences (1666)
1795 - Foundation of the
Institut National des Sciences et des Arts
, composed of the three Académies
1805 - Napoléon moves the
Institut National des Sciences et des Arts
to the premises of the former
Collège des Quatre-Nations
, on the
Quai de Conti in Paris
1816 - The three Académies become independent within the
Institut de France
. They are joined by the
Académie des Beaux-arts
in 1816) and later the
Académie des Sciences morales et politiques
Today - The
Académie des Sciences
is a legal person governed by public law with a particular status under the Research Programme Law
of 18 April 2006