Organization and governance

The Board of the French Academy of sciences decides on the areas of intervention and strategic choices, relying on governance bodies: the "restricted committee", the "secret committee" and three delegations.

The Bureau of the Académie des sciences

The Bureau of the Académie des sciences is made up of the president, vice-president and two perpetual secretaries - one for each division. In enlarged formation, it is completed by the Academy's delegates.


Les deux divisions, dans lesquelles sont regroupées l’ensemble des disciplines de l’Académie sont : 

Mathematical, physical, computer, mechanical and universal sciences (1st division)


Chemical, biological and medical sciences (2nd division)

Bureau missions

The Bureau organizes the scientific life and work of the Academy and ensures its proper functioning

Decisions concerning budgets and the management of personnel and of the Academy's foundations, donations and properties are taken under the responsibility of the perpetual secretaries, after the advice of the administrative commission, composed of members of the Bureau and two elected members.


© Mathieu Baumer

Board composition for 2023-2024

Alain Fischer, President

Françoise Combes, Vice-President

Étienne Ghys, Secrétaire perpétuel for the 1st division

Antoine Triller, Secrétaire perpétuel for the 2nd division



©Simon Cassanas

The select committee

The "select committee" is made up of members of the Bureau, the two elected academicians from the administrative commission, delegates from the 8 sections and the applications inter-section, and elected members.

It meets once a month. It defines the Academy's areas of work and reflection: research orientation and structure, science and society, Academy reports and opinions, symposium proposals, creation of committees, ...

The Select Committee prepares the decisions that will be put to the vote of the "secret committee".


©Mathieu Baumer

The secret committee

This historic term refers to the deliberative, closed-door general assembly of the Académie des Sciences. The "secret committee" makes all decisions relating to the Académie, within the framework of the provisions laid down by its statutes and internal regulations.

It is chaired by the President of the Academy.




Three delegations, entrusted to academicians, contribute to the implementation of Academy policy under the responsibility of the Bureau.

The three delegates are permanent guests of the Bureau and the "comité restreint":

- Patrick Flandrin, delegate for scientific information and communication

- Claude Jaupart, delegate for education and training

- Francis-André Wollman, delegate vice-president for international relations


©Simon Cassanas

Thematic committees, tools for reflection and proposals

The Académie des sciences uses its specificity of having high-level scientists in all disciplines to address modern issues of which science is a constituent element. In permanent or ad hoc thematic committees, academics analyze and synthesize the latest data, and issue recommendations for action.

The standing committees, in particular, are the cornerstone of the Academy's advisory mission.

Based on presentation-debates prepared by academics, to which outside specialists are invited when useful, proposals for reports, opinions or recommendations for decision-makers are born, and made available to all citizens on the Academy of Sciences website.

Our thematic committees